
What Is A CRM Funnel?

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen  ~  Last Updated: Feb 5, 2023  ~  5 Min Read

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen
~  Last Updated: Feb 5, 2023  ~
~  5 Min Read  ~

Do you want to automate customer connections, boost conversion rates, and enhance customer relationships? Do you know what a CRM Funnel is or how it operates but have only heard of it? 

We'll go over what a CRM Funnel is, why you should use one, and how to set one up in this article.

What Is A CRM Funnel?

what is a crm funnel

First, let’s define what CRM is.

A CRM system, or customer relationship management, aids organizations in managing their client interactions. 

It can be used to automate customer conversations, store customer data, and monitor customer interactions. Additionally, it can be used to track customer behavior and create personalized experiences. 

Businesses can better understand their customers and forge deeper bonds with them by using a CRM. 

A funnel is a business tool that sends visitors through a pre-defined path. The top of a funnel is wide, capturing people from various entry points like social media, videos, articles, etc.

As visitors go through the funnel, everyone goes out at the same point, with no exceptions.

When you put them together, you get a CRM Funnel.

Email Automation Sequences are a CRM Funnel, based on the definitions of a CRM and a funnel.

How Does A CRM Funnel Work?

When a visitor takes an action… like opting into a free offer, buying something, subscribing to a newsletter, etc… their contact information gets added to the CRM.

That action triggers an automation to start… typically firing off the first email in the sequence.

Each email in a sequence has a pre-defined rule as to when it goes it.

It could be time-based… like in 30 minutes, 2 hours, or 1 day. 

It could be action-based where it only goes out when a specific action is taken. Not taking an action could trigger an email too.

It could be goal-based, where the trigger happens when a specific point has been reached.

You can customize how each automation starts in whatever way you want.

The most common CRM sequences are:

  • Welcome 
  • Abandoned Cart
  • Completed Sale
  • Product or Service Launch
  • Core Offerings
  • Re-engagement
  • Newsletters
  • Seinfeld (weekly content that provides value just to stay in front of people)
benefit of a crm funnel

Benefits Of Using A CRM Funnel

One of the main benefits of a CRM Funnel is automation. 

Organizations can save time and money by automating customer interactions.

Furthermore, CRM Funnels are powerful because customers can be divided into various groups according to their behavior, interests, preferences, and actions.

This allows businesses to get very specific and personal with each email. 

Furthermore, tracking data is far easier when everything is segmented.

A CRM Funnel… when done right… increases customer loyalty and brand reputation.

In fact, a business’s email marketing can be the most powerful tool in their box… generating the most revenue from any channel.

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How To Set Up A CRM Funnel

Setting up a CRM Funnel is relatively simple… but it does have a little bit of a learning curve.

We use Active Campaign for our CRM, and we recommend it to all of our clients as well.

Whatever website software platform you use, you will be able to directly integrate your CRM… or use Zapier or webhooks… to connect to your website.

Your CRM should have lists and automations to set up.

The simple rule is ‘when someone lands in this list, start this automation.’

Here’s a workflow for a lead generation funnel, as an example. 

Someone opts into your ‘free gift’ with their name and email. They get added to the list ‘free gift XYZ’… and immediately the first email is sent out, delivering their free gift.


Here’s a recommended workflow for a sales funnel.

The sales page has a pop-up as Step 1… only getting the name and email address. 

When the Step 1 button is clicked, the data goes to the Abandoned Cart list… and the customer goes to the Checkout page.

When the customer COMPLETES the checkout page, they are added to the Completed Sale list.

Your CRM should have a feature to remove the customer from the Abandoned Cart list… automatically… so they don’t get an email saying ‘hey, your order is almost complete’... when in fact they completed the checkout.

Active Campaign does this beautifully, btw.

If you have upsells in your sales funnel, each upsell that’s added to the order goes on its own list as well.

If you don’t have a CRM Funnel, or if what you have needs an upgrade, book a call with us and let us help you out.

In Conclusion

A CRM Funnel is one of the most powerful tools your business can have.

What’s really missing in business today is the lack of building relationships with customers.

Too many businesses are the guy with the trenchcoat full of Rolex watches. They just want to make a sale.

Really successful businesses give real value to their customers… where the scale leans heavily in favor of the customer.

A CRM Funnel is the tool that can do that for your business.



To your dreams….

Gerek Allen profile picture

Gerek Allen

Co-Owner iTech Valet

Entrepreneur, patriot, CrossFit junkie, IPA enthusiast, loves to travel to tropical destinations, and knows way too many movie quotes.

About iTech Valet

iTech Valet specializes in web design and content marketing for online entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise.

Services Include:

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Sales Copy
  • Funnel Building
  • Authority Sites
  • Membership Sites
  • Course Creation
  • Email Systems
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Tech Integrations
  • Strategic Planning
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