
5 Examples of Successful Sales Funnels

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen  ~  Last Updated: Jan 26, 2023  ~  8 Min Read

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen
~  Last Updated: Jan 26, 2023  ~
~  8 Min Read  ~

Are you looking for ways to increase your sales and grow your business? A sales funnel may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

A sales funnel is a tool that converts potential customers into paying customers, or generates qualified leads into your business.

What makes sales funnels so popular is it’s predictability. 

Participants in a sales funnel go down a pre-defined path where the only choice is a yes or no type situation… they either buy or they don’t. They either give their info or they don’t. They either book a call or they don’t. You get the idea.

It’s no wonder so many companies, even some of the biggest in the world, use sales funnels. They flat-out work, and they can for your business too. 

In this article, you’ll learn about 5 of the most popular sales funnels with an example of each.

5 examples of successful sales funnels

Lead Generation Funnels

The goal of a lead generation funnel is to capture a person’s contact information, and get them into the business’s ecosystem… typically through email or sms.

They are very basic, usually not very long, and only have a very simple, yet specific call to action… ‘give me your information and I’ll give you something in return.’

Lead generation funnels typically start with a lead magnet, like an ebook, a free video series, a free training, a webinar, a free trial… really anything.

Did you notice the word ‘free’ was used a lot in the examples you just read? That’s because lead generation funnels usually don’t have any sort of payment required in order to get the offer. 

This type of funnel is a front-end to your business.


sales funnel examples 1

He’s an SEO king, and his freebie is analyzing your site… for free. Once you see the results of your site, his machine kicks in offering you his services.

Tripwire Funnels

A tripwire funnel offers a low-cost product or service, where the cost is minimal. This is another front-end funnel to get people into your ecosystem.

The strategy is to get the customer to pay something… for a few reasons.

For one, getting someone to pull out their credit card puts them in the buying mood, meaning they are more likely to keep buying after this initial purchase. 

Many tripwire funnels have upsells and downsells after the initial purchase for this very reason… plus the added sales increases overall cart value.

Secondly, getting some money back helps offset your ad spend, if you’re buying ads. If you can make more money than what you spend, you don’t have a marketing budget anymore… you can spend as much as you want.

Books are a great example of a tripwire funnel. The book is offered for ‘free’... just cover the shipping and handling. 


Sales funnel examples 2

Russell Brunson has mastered this type of funnel with all of his bestselling books. People buy his books, maybe some of his upsells, and quite a few end up using his core service, which is ClickFunnels.

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Webinar Funnels

Webinar funnels serve a few purposes. They act like lead generation funnels as many webinars are free to attend, but they also sell higher priced products or services.

The simple rule of thumb is any product or service $499 and cheaper can be sold directly in a funnel, all day long, 24/7.

Anything from $500 - $2000 needs a little more explanation, either from a webinar or a call… and a webinar is much more efficient than doing hundreds, if not thousands of calls. But of course it depends on the business.

Anything over $2000 really should be done on a call, and a webinar is actually a great filtering step to qualify leads before they get on a call.

A huge benefit to a webinar is they build a lot of rapport and trust, as the potential customer gets to see and hear the person talking… which makes a big difference in building trust.

People want to work with people they like and trust.


sales funnel examples 3

Kris Krohn is a real estate mogul who teaches principles on success, mindset, real estate investing, etc., and he utilizes webinars as the front end to his high-priced services.

Book A Call Funnels

The goal of a book a call funnel is exactly what the name says… to book a call.

For a web design business like ours, booking a call makes the most sense. Every situation is unique and requires a little navigating before the right solutions can be presented.

Other ‘book a call’ businesses would be service-based businesses like lawyers, chiropractors, dentists, plumbers, you name it. 

Book a call funnels can either start with a form or with a calendar booking service like Calendly or OnceHub.

While it may appear this type of funnel isn’t as sexy or sophisticated like the previous funnels, that would be a mistake. Book a call funnels, set up right, can absolutely change the direction of a business… tenfold.


sales funnel examples 4

To choose a great example is nearly impossible, so you get one of the most popular lawyers ever, based on his commercial here.

Affiliate Funnels

The goal of an affiliate funnel is to sell an affiliate’s offer, but with a very smart and strategic approach.

Anyone can become an affiliate and give someone their link to the affiliate offer, and make a sale. 

Smart marketers use an affiliate funnel before they send them to the affiliate offer… usually offering extra bonuses on top of what the affiliate offer is. 

The message is… ‘hey, when you buy the offer on the next page, I’m going to give you X… Y… and Z as a bonus’... or something similar to that.

Whenever there’s a big launch in the Internet Marketing world, and there’s an affiliate contest that goes with it, all the top winners use this approach.

But, you can use this type of funnel for other products and services your customers are going to need anyways. This type of funnel can add another 10%, or higher, to your bottom line at the end of the year.

Example: Nothing specifically, but when big launches happen, you’ll find them. Also, sometimes ‘review’ articles of a product or service can be somewhat bait and switch, where the review is somewhat biased and there’s an offer to try the service with their affiliate link… and sometimes they throw in bonuses too. Just wanted to give you another perspective of this tactic.

In Conclusion

While there are a lot more funnel examples out there, these 5 sales funnel examples cover the majority of situations for online entrepreneurs.

If there’s anything we missed, feel free to let us know by contacting us.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a sales funnel can help your business, book a call with us today.


To your dreams...

Gerek Allen profile picture

Gerek Allen

Co-Owner iTech Valet

Entrepreneur, patriot, CrossFit junkie, IPA enthusiast, loves to travel to tropical destinations, and knows way too many movie quotes.

About iTech Valet

iTech Valet specializes in web design and content marketing for online entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise.

Services Include:

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Sales Copy
  • Funnel Building
  • Authority Sites
  • Membership Sites
  • Course Creation
  • Email Systems
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Tech Integrations
  • Strategic Planning
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