
How To Create An Effective Sales Funnel In Just 5 Steps

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen  ~  Last Updated: Jan 28, 2023  ~  7 Min Read

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen
~  Last Updated: Jan 28, 2023  ~
~  7 Min Read  ~

Are you struggling to create a sales funnel that actually works? Are you at a point where you’re not sure what to do next? 

If so, today is your lucky day.

Many entrepreneurs struggle with their sales funnels because they over-complicate them... focusing on cool tricks and details that don't move the needle.

The reality is, an effective sales funnel is simple... with a very clear call to action.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create an effective sales funnel in just 5 simple steps.

Step One: Define Your Target Audience

effective sales funnel

Most entrepreneurs know who their target audience is, but only on a surface level… and that’s a problem.

To really know an audience, you have to connect with them on a deeper level. You have to peel back a few layers of the onion.

For instance, here’s an example of selling e-bikes.

On the surface, the natural target audience would be athletic people who love to ride bikes, be outdoors, go on adventures, etc.

Simple enough, right?

Here’s how you go deep with this audience. You look at it from a different perspective than everyone else.

Compared to normal bikes, e-bikes solve the problem of physical limitations.

Now the entire family can go anywhere... TOGETHER... as long as they have juice in the battery.

Got a big hill and 3 kids? No problem. A 20-mile bike ride with no stops? Easy-peasy.

This is a huge mindset shift... and when you tap into this type of connection… it’s game over.

To go deep, you need to do some thinking… some soul-searching… you need to walk in their shoes. 

You need to understand:

  • who they are
  • what they like
  • how they talk
  • what their fears are
  • what their desires are
  • what makes them happy
  • what’s important to them
  • and so on…

Compile as much data as you can and write it all down. Even write down the things you don’t think matter.

Take as much time as you need here. If you don’t get this right, you won’t have an effective sales funnel.

TIP: write down as many problems your ideal customer has... and write a solution to each problem. You should have at least 20-50.

2nd TIP: when the first problem is solved, many times a new problem arises. That's good. Now think how to solve the new problem… write it down… rinse and repeat.

Step Two: Create Your Offer

A powerful offer is the key to an effective sales funnel.

If you do step one correctly… and do your homework…  you’ll have everything you need to create your perfect offer.

When looking over your list of problems and solutions, ask yourself this question… ‘If I can only solve 1 thing, what would deliver the biggest change or impact?’

Use this approach and 1-2 will stand out above the rest. That’s where you start. That’s the focus of your offer.

When putting together your offer, it should have a CLEAR outcome… a CLEAR benefit… and CLEAR call to action.

For example… let’s say you have a flat tire, and you have a spare…but you’re not sure how to change it. (and you don’t have AAA)

If you go to YouTube and find a video on how to change your flat tire with your spare… how valuable is that to you? Pretty spot on, right?

That’s your goal (again)… to CLEARLY define their desired outcome.

TIP: You have a full list of problems and solutions… so use them to create additional products or services. You can include them as bonuses, or sell them as additional products with order bumps or upsells.

TIP 2: Price is ONLY a concern when it’s related to value. The more ‘value’ your offer has, the less the price matters.

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Step Three: Create Your Funnel

Now it’s time to create your funnel.

Most effective sales funnels have a similar structure, where you have a:

  • sales page
  • checkout page
  • upsell page (if applicable)
  • order receipt page.

That’s it. Nothing more… nothing less.

Every good and reputable funnel-building software will have a library of templates for you to use, to get you started.

(We use DropFunnels for our software, and we recommend all of our clients do the same. You can get started here.)

Don’t overcomplicate things. 

Start with a template and keeps its structure. You can add or change things later when it makes sense. 

Your goal is to get a working sales funnel up as fast as possible.

The biggest return on your time will be perfecting your Headline, Sub-Headline and Call To Action text.

Studies show A HUGE MAJORITY of people will not read past the headline if it doesn’t capture their attention. That’s how important headlines are.

Assuming you did your homework in step one, inspiration for the headline and other elements should be on your list.

Your template will obviously have other sections that probably need tweaking. 

Use your industry knowledge and knock them out quickly. AI tools like ChatGPT can help you with ideas to come up with what to say. (... and not to write it for you)

TIP: Always have an order bump and no more than 1-2 upsells. Anything more and the experience turns bad… and fast… like the movie Speed 2. 

TIP 2: Try and keep your Headline, Sub-Headline, and Call To Action ‘above the fold’... which means the space on your screen before you scroll down. Even on mobile too, if you can.

Step Four: Optimize Your Funnel

Once your funnel is created, you should start optimizing it right away. 

Optimizing is just a fancy-schmancy word for testing different elements.

In your case, stick with the basics… meaning the Headlines and the Call To Action.

Data shows optimizing your Headline will have the biggest impact on your results.

Most sales funnel software should have split test functionality, so utilize that. 

Once you do a split test and declare a winner, the ‘winner’ is now the control… and the goal is to try and beat the control. Rinse and repeat.

The testing never stops. Once the main stuff is dialed in, start testing images, colors of buttons, and stuff like that.

Your master list from step one will give you endless amounts of variations to choose from… or an AI tool can help as well.

TIP: Don’t test more than 1 variation at a time. If it’s a Headline… both pages should be exactly the same except for the Headline. 

TIP 2: Make sure you get enough data to make an informed decision. Sometimes you need hundreds… sometimes thousands… of data points to declare a winner.

Step Five: Analyze And Adjust

This is a continuation of step four, but at a 50,000ft macro-level view of your business.

Effective sales funnels need to test more than just Headline variations. 

For instance, you should split-test different prices for your products or services… whether it’s your front-end offer, core product, whatever. 

If you’re selling a $27 intro course, split-test it at $47 as well. See how much revenue was produced after a month or two. 

Do the same with your core offer, order bumps and/or upsells. 

Consider testing single payments for higher-priced items and multi-monthly payments (if applicable).

Every industry is unique, and you may succeed doing something different than your competitors… so ABT… Always Be Testing!

You’ll be surprised how sometimes price doesn’t matter. 

If the ‘value’ is there… meaning you’ve gotten to the core of their problem and provided a real solution… people will pay a lot more for something than you think… but you gotta test it first.

TIP: If you’re doing paid ads, testing different price points will be crucial to your success… especially if you’re doing a low-priced front-end offer. The goal is to at least break even with ad spend.

In Conclusion

Creating an effective sales funnel doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. You have 5 simple steps to either create your new funnel, or update your existing funnel.

Do your homework… it’ll pay off HUGE in the long run.

Keep it simple. 

Yes… we can do amazing design work for you, and it will make a big difference in the long run, but you can get started with the basics… and get real results.

Dial in your offer and focus on connecting with your fellow human beings and your sales funnel will skyrocket to success.

If you’d like some help to improve your sales funnel or see what cracks you have in the foundation, book a call with us.

We’d love to connect with you and see how we can help.


To your dreams…

Gerek Allen profile picture

Gerek Allen

Co-Owner iTech Valet

Entrepreneur, patriot, CrossFit junkie, IPA enthusiast, loves to travel to tropical destinations, and knows way too many movie quotes.

About iTech Valet

iTech Valet specializes in web design and content marketing for online entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise.

Services Include:

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Sales Copy
  • Funnel Building
  • Authority Sites
  • Membership Sites
  • Course Creation
  • Email Systems
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Tech Integrations
  • Strategic Planning
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