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How To Improve Website Conversion Rate For Service-Based Businesses

gerek allen headshotby Gerek Allen  ~  Last Updated: July 23, 2024  ~ 9 Min Read

gerek allen headshotby Gerek Allen
~  Last Updated: July 23, 2024  ~
~  9 Min Read  ~

Traffic Conversion

Picture this: you've just spent the last month perfecting your lead generation strategy. You've got a shiny new list of potential clients, each one more promising than the last. You're feeling pretty good about yourself, right? Well, hold onto your hat, because there's a twist in this tale.

You see, generating new leads is like getting a bunch of dates for prom. Sure, it's great to have options, but if you don't know how to dance, you're going to end up awkwardly shuffling around the punch bowl all night. The same goes for leads. If you don't know how to nurture them, you'll end up with a bunch of missed opportunities and a lot of awkward silence.

So, what's the remedy? It's simple: you need to focus on lead nurturing. This means taking the time to build relationships with your leads, providing them with valuable information, and making sure they know you're there to help them. It's like taking a dance class before prom - you'll be strutting your stuff in no time.

Remember, generating new leads is only half the battle. The real magic happens when you nurture those leads and turn them into loyal customers. So, put on your dancing shoes and get ready to waltz your way to success!

What Is A Conversion Rate?

For service-based businesses, a conversion rate is the percentage of potential clients who become actual, paying clients. It's like the number of people who actually get a haircut after walking into the salon, as opposed to just window shopping.

Why Are Website Conversion Rates Important?

You see, a conversion rate is like the holy grail of website success. It's the percentage of visitors who take the desired action, like booking an appointment or signing up for your newsletter. If you can DOUBLE your conversion rate, you double your business with no extra cost from traffic generation. That’s how important this is.

What Happens If You Don’t Fix Your Conversion Rate?

So, why is it so important for a service-based business to improve its conversion rate? Well, for starters, it's the difference between a thriving business and one that's about to go belly up faster than a lead balloon. If you can't convert website visitors into paying customers, you're not going to be in business for very long. It's like trying to sell ice cream to a snowman - it just ain't gonna happen.

Website Conversion Rates By Industry

Chiro market conversions

Service-based businesses, like chiropractors, often struggle with converting website visitors into clients. In fact, the average conversion rate for chiropractors is a whopping 7.4%. But hold your horses, my friend. The median conversion rate, which is a more realistic and true number, is a measly 3.6%.

Why the huge difference? It’s because the top 1% of chiropractors skew the numbers, making the average seem higher than it actually is. They convert over 20% of their website traffic. That’s why the median is a better number to use. And it's not just chiropractors, most other service-based industries face the same issue. 

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How Can Service-Based Businesses Improve Their Conversion Rate?

So, you want to know how the big dogs improve their conversion rates, huh? Well, buckle up, because I'm about to take you on a wild ride through the world of lead magnets, newsletters, checklists, and free reports.

Lead Magnets

First off, let's talk about lead magnets. These are like the shiny toys that companies dangle in front of potential customers to get them to sign up for their email list. It could be a free eBook, a webinar, or even a discount code. The idea is to offer something so irresistible that people can't help but hand over their email address.


Now, let's move on to newsletters. These are like the company's way of saying, "Hey, we're still here, and we've got some cool stuff to share with you!" Companies use newsletters to keep their subscribers engaged and informed about new products, services, or promotions. It's like having a friend who always knows the latest gossip.


Giving away a checklist can be a game-changer for your conversion rates, and here's why: it's like offering a treasure map to your potential clients, guiding them through the tangled jungle of your services, and leading them straight to the golden treasure chest of your business. By providing a checklist, you're not only helping them navigate the complexities of your offerings, but you're also showing them that you're a trusted guide who's got their back. And who wouldn't want to follow a guide who's got a treasure map up their sleeve?

Free Reports Or Case Studies

Next up, we've got free reports. These are like the company's way of saying, "Look at all the cool stuff we know!" Companies will often offer free reports or case studies to show off their expertise and prove that they know their stuff. It's like showing off your trophy collection to impress your friends.

The Core Purpose - Building Your Email List

And finally, we've got the email list. This is like the company's treasure chest of potential customers. By offering lead magnets, newsletters, and free reports, companies are able to build up a list of people who are interested in what they have to offer. It's like having a bunch of people lined up outside your store, just waiting to come in and buy something.

How iTech Valet Helps Service-Based Businesses Improve Website Conversion Rates

Lucky for you, my team and I specialize in conversion. We've got a tool that's like a superhero cape for your website, swooping in to save the day and boost your conversion rates faster than you can say "subluxation." This proprietary tool is called the NEW CLIENT BOOKING FUNNEL, and it flat-out crushes it.

New Client Booking Funnel

The New Client Booking Funnel is like having a team of conversion ninjas working behind the scenes. This proprietary tool is designed to guide potential clients through a journey that persuades them to book an appointment with you. It's like a treasure map that leads them straight to the golden treasure chest of your business. And once they've booked their appointment, they'll be so excited that they'll be more than happy to hand over their upfront payment and fill out their new patient docs. It’s a full A-Z system.

new patient bookings proof

One of our chiropractor clients saw an immediate 30% increase in new patient bookings in their first month. Can I get an amen? 

But wait, there's more! You can get this tool with NO ADDITIONAL MONTHLY COST!! Plus, it runs automated 24/7, so you don't need to add any additional time or staff.

And the best part? We'll set it up for you... and fast.

It’s simple. Book a call with our team and we’ll easily explain how this all works in a short Zoom call.

Book A Call

Gerek Allen profile picture

Gerek Allen

Co-Owner iTech Valet

Entrepreneur, patriot, CrossFit junkie, IPA enthusiast, loves to travel to tropical destinations, and knows way too many movie quotes.

About iTech Valet

iTech Valet specializes in web design and content marketing for online entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise.

Services Include:

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Sales Copy
  • Funnel Building
  • Authority Sites
  • Membership Sites
  • Course Creation
  • Email Systems
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Tech Integrations
  • Strategic Planning
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