
Examples Of Successful Sales Funnels

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen  ~  Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023  ~  5 Min Read

gerek allen profile picby Gerek Allen
~  Last Updated: Jan 25, 2023  ~
~  5 Min Read  ~

Are you looking to see which sales funnel works best for your business? If so, you're in the right place.

Sales funnels are a powerful tool that many businesses have used to great success. In fact, some of the biggest companies in the world use sales funnels in ways you may not even realize… as you’ll see below.

In this article, you’ll learn all about sales funnels.

You’ll learn what they are, why you should use them, the different types of sales funnels for different situations, how to create a simple sales funnel, and examples of successful sales funnels.

So if you’re ready, let’s go.

What Is A Sales Funnel?

examples of successful sales funnels

In simple terms, a sales funnel converts potential customers into paying customers.

It’s a process of guiding customers through a pre-defined path, where the only choice is to take an action or not.

Typical choices can be to either buy something or not… or enter your information for a ‘free something’ or not.

There are a million different ‘yes or no’ scenarios businesses use with funnels, but the singular choice is what’s important.

Sales funnels have become popular over the last decade because they work. It’s not uncommon for a successful funnel to double or triple its average cart value compared to a traditional cart and checkout system.

What Is The Purpose Of A Sales Funnel?

Without income, a business will go out of business.

The purpose of a sales funnel is to ethically increase the income on each sale. More income means more growth, lower costs per acquisition, etc.

Another purpose of a funnel is for tracking.

Sales funnels are great for following a customer at every step, quickly identifying what’s working and what’s not.

In today’s world, data is everything… so a sales funnel is like a data mining ‘pot of gold’.

When you have good data, you’ll see if your marketing is working, if your offer is good, etc.

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What Are The Different Types Of Sales Funnels?

There are sales funnels now for anything you can think of. Here are some of the top sales funnel examples.

These include:

  • Lead Generation Funnels - these funnels capture contact information of potential customers, such as their name and email address. (Note: the more info you capture, the lower the conversion on this type of funnel)
  • Tripwire Funnels - these funnels offer a low-cost product or service, usually to get people into their ecosystem or start the relationship building process. It’s not uncommon for the goal to break even here with ad spend, if paid ads are utilized.
  • Upsell Funnels - these types of funnels are after the initial purchase, and designed to ‘upsell’ the next logical product or service. An example of an ecom product would be to sell 1 more unit at a discount. An example of a digital product would be a solution to the next problem someone is going to have.
  • Cross-Sell Funnels - these funnels are designed to offer related products or services after they have made a purchase. For instance, if you sell pet toys, an after purchase offer might be for pet beds, pet insurance, pet treats, etc.
  • Webinar Funnels - these funnels are designed to host webinars to educate potential customers about a product or service. These work extremely well for things in the $500-$2000 price range.
  • Content Funnels - these funnels provide content such as blog posts (like this), videos, podcasts or any other piece of content. These will have subtle calls to action to possible go to another funnel.
  • Affiliate Funnels - these funnels promote an affiliate product or service, acting as a pre-sell page. Smart affiliates offer extra incentives in addition to the affiliate product or service they are selling.

There are literally hundreds more that could be on this list, but this is a great start to give you an idea.

No matter what kind of business you have, there’s a funnel that will fit your business.

How To Create A Simple Sales Funnel

Because of the popularity of sales funnels, most website platforms today have a ‘build a funnel’ component to their service.

If your business is ecom and you have… or will have… more than 20 products, either Shopify or WooCommerce will be a good solution for you.

If you sell services or digital products, there are A TON of providers to choose from, but this site uses DropFunnels, and for a lot of good reasons… which will be explained in a different article.

To create a simple sales funnel, DropFunnels has a bunch of templates to choose from, where you simply choose the template you want, drop it in, make a few changes specific to your business… and you’re off to the races.

You can get as simple or high-tech as you want, but you ABSOLUTELY can get a simple funnel up in under 30 minutes.

You can learn more about DropFunnels and get started here.

Examples Of Successful Sales Funnels

At the beginning, we said some of the biggest companies in the world are killing it with sales funnels. Without further ado, here you go.

  • GoDaddy - if you use GoDaddy, you’ve probably been annoyed by the endless amounts of upsells after you choose your domain name. Yes, it is obnoxious, but it works.
  • Dominos Pizza - if you’ve used their online ordering or mobile app, they do the same thing as GoDaddy… but it works. (being obnoxious has it’s limits though)
  • Apple - they offer upsells on insurance, accessories, etc.
  • Uber - they use a free ride offer to get new customer sign ups… yes that is a funnel
  • Tony Robbins - everything from his books to his live events starts on his home page and leads right into his sales funnels

And the list could go on and on and on.

Remember, the key thing about a sales funnel is the customer goes down a pre-defined path that leads to a predictable outcome.

In your business, when you can have predictable sales from your marketing efforts, it becomes easier to tweak or grow to get your desired results.

If you’re interested in learning more about how a sales funnel can help your business, book a call with us today.


To your dreams...

Gerek Allen profile picture

Gerek Allen

Co-Owner iTech Valet

Entrepreneur, patriot, CrossFit junkie, IPA enthusiast, loves to travel to tropical destinations, and knows way too many movie quotes.

About iTech Valet

iTech Valet specializes in web design and content marketing for online entrepreneurs who want to share their expertise.

Services Include:

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Sales Copy
  • Funnel Building
  • Authority Sites
  • Membership Sites
  • Course Creation
  • Email Systems
  • Content Marketing
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Tech Integrations
  • Strategic Planning
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